Category Archives: Men

Miss March on LAFS

Happy Thanksgiving, readers!

Well, I do apologize for the lack of posts lately. Besides teaching, I’m a graphic design consultant, as well as run two businesses and just started up another venture; I’m a tad busy. And, if you couldn’t already tell I, a) have a problem saying no to people when it comes to helping with events, and b) obviously don’t like any free time on my hands.

Anyhow, ColoradoBoy is officially gone. He went back to CO for a month and isn’t really even sure if he’s coming back. Everyone keeps asking me how I’m doing with him gone, and I just laugh. Yes, we dated for four months, but it didn’t really feel like we were dating. We’re friends, first and foremost; he wasn’t ready for anything serious and God knows I’m not either, so we simply had a good time together. Do I miss him? Sure, I miss having a friend around. Do I really miss him? No. He was impossible to contact in between our times hanging out, his sister hated me, and he kept switching plans towards the end because said sister made plans which usurped our plans. I think it was really important I met him. He tried very hard to grow with me and he did learn a lot about relationships in our time together. He’s a great guy, and I think it’s cute and funny we met on–neither one of us are really online dating people (despite my past experience with it). I wish him well, and I wish him love; I do hope we stay in touch, he’s a well-meaning and good soul, just has some growing up to do.

Romeo and Juliet were said to have had LAFS.

This week I have seen and heard of two cases of “love at first sight.” Remember my Aunt’s friend K, who is like an aunt to me? She met some guy at a concert, it was totally love at first sight, and now, a month later, they are talking about spending the rest of their life together. I saw them both at T-giving yesterday and she couldn’t have been glowing any stronger, she looked gorgeous, in love, and totally over the moon. The look he was giving her was priceless. I couldn’t be happier for her! Another family member spent some time in Brazil last year and met a girl one night; well, though they only met one night, they fell for each other and have kept up a long distance relationship for about six months now. They’ll be seeing each other again soon, and there’s even marriage talk!

Okay, a part of me (the cynical part) doesn’t want to believe any of this. I mean, how can you fall in love with someone before you even know if they snore or not? Right. However, if you don’t already know, I’m a pretty spiritual person, and I really do believe that sometimes, once in a blue moon, two souls are meant to be together. I don’t think everyone will experience LAFS (love at first sight), nor should they, but some people, I believe, are really and truly meant to be together. Life can be very mysterious at times, and sometimes you don’t know the reason for things until you look at life in retrospect; perhaps you don’t realize it, but your path is leading you to your soul-mate (lover or friend). While it’s easy to be skeptical and judge, I think we have to also keep in mind that true love and LAFS does happen sometimes (and it could happen to someone you know!).

What are your thoughts on Love At First Sight?

PS. Update from T soon! (she doesn’t know it yet, but she’ll be updating us on something cool!)

Miss March Does a Quickie

I spend the afternoon with my ten year old half-sister, last weekend, and while shopping and talking about The Boys on the Stoop (she’s a mature 10!), this conversation ensued:

Sis: Why is it that all the boys you date always….

Miss March: …leave?

Sis: Yeah. Well, they don’t leave you, as much as they just…move away.

Me: Point taken.

I think that pretty much sums up my week. Any convo-snippets sum up your week?

Miss March Says “Hey You”?

We call him Casey because he's the younger brother and looks somewhat like junior Mr. Affleck!

So, I can’t remember if we ever discussed Casey or not, but suddenly, he’s reemerged. Casey, named for Ben Affleck’s little brother, is the younger brother of my Uncle’s best friend. Casey is 29, has a great job, an interesting life, and was set up by my Uncle to go out with me on a “pity date” (which wasn’t really a pity date at all) in August this past summer. The funny thing about Casey is that our lives have had the same trajectory; we went to the same middle school, same high school, and lived in the same town our whole lives, but never met. I’m super tight with his older brother, my Uncle’s best bud, because my Uncle is only 10 years older than me and more like a big brother than an uncle.

Anyway, we went out on this great date in early August. We laughed, we got along, we clicked in a lot of ways. We were on the date so long (why do I have epic dates?) that we closed the restaurant down. He was impressed that I’m an entrepreneur, and I think he was impressed that although I’m a tad younger than he is, I could hold my own. Overall, I don’t think he expected to have such a good time. We facebook messaged a little after that; a few texts about meeting up, which never happened, and then the ball was dropped. I chocked it up to the fact that there was too much pressure if anything ever did happen with us; our families are close, it would be a huge deal if anything actually happened with us, and I’m sure he realized that too and that’s why he dropped the ball.

Well, last night, I’m getting ready to go out with CB, and all of the sudden I get a facebook message from Casey, “Hey you! How’s business?”

Well, it only took you three months to respond.

I gave it a day and responded with a usual “life’s good” response. Mentioned nothing of seeing him.

But, here’s my question, what’s with the “hey you”? I, personally, find, in general, that “hey you” is very intimate, slightly sexy. It’s like “hey, I’m cornering you out to say hello and thinking just of you.” “Hey you” is way different than just “hey.” “Hey” is so friendly and personable, but when you add the “you” to it it becomes more flirtatious and sexual; am I wrong here? What do we think of the “hey you” in general? Innocuous or flirtatious or what?

Miss March’s MAJOR List of Holiday Gifts for Men!

Okay, so with the holidays coming up (and my horoscope says due to the full moon in December I should be shopping for the holidays NOW) I’d thought I’d totally jack Julia Allison‘s idea (thanks for the idea, Julia! I can’t wait to see what you list!) to post about great presents for guys. Though, I’m sure JA and I are looking in totally different places, so check her site too, because her presents are probably a little more…mature. I got a huge stack of catalogs in the mail today, so I’ve compiled a pretty goofy list of great things to get for the men in your life this holiday season.


This adorable amp is a perfect guy gift for any office boy!

For the music man in your life, check out this adorable mini-amp which plugs into your iPod, so you can blast music anywhere! And check it, “This miniature amp-style speaker has volume, bass and treble controls; power it up with the included USB cable for desktop use or 3 AA batteries.”

Okay, when I saw these pajamas I nearly passed out. Can I get a pair for every man in my life? How cute are they!


Star Trek nutcrackers...oh, the irony.

Then we have the whole slew of gifts for the Star Trek lover in your life. Gomez, the Admiral and BB are all fans of the show, so when I came across these gifts, I honestly couldn’t decide which one I loved more; was it the Star Trek nutcrackers? Perhaps it was the Star Trek phaser…can’t you just picture your man running around the house in his XBox pajamas, shooting his Star Trek phaser? Yeah, it’s quite the sexy image, isn’t it?

For the techno-savvy man in your life, check out this awesomely adorable Electroman Surge Protector; “Electroman turns one socket into four, extending a helping hand (and another hand and two feet to boot). Each grounded socket is controlled by an on/off switch, with an indicator light placed right where Electroman’s heart is. Aww.”


Bacon wallet...yum.

Most men love bacon. Fact. Unless they are a vegan/vegetarian, most men would have bacon for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and desert (my Uncle once ate chocolate with bacon in it). Therefore, what’s a better gift for your bacon-loving man than this Bacon Wallet?! He can now carry his lettuce in his bacon. Pretty sweet (err, salty).


These construction utensils would never leave CB's hand. Such a boy at heart!

Then there’s the whole list of gifts which remind me of ColoradoBoy: totally silly, immature, yet practical and useful. That’s pretty much the description of him. Ha. We have the Flying Alarm Clock; can’t you just see your man flying this around while you’re trying to sleep? “I just wanted to know the time, I have to get to yoga, stop flying the clock!!” I would never hear the end of it if I bought the The Nose Shower Gel Dispenser for CB; I doubt he would ever come out of the shower. And then, last, but not least, is the ultimate ColoradoBoy gift: Atomic Food Containers. He would flip out over these. Again, useful, but totally silly. I love them. Oh, and PS. These come in at a close second for the perfect gift for ColoradoBoy. And, while we’re at it, these utensils would also be very much loved by a certain boy from Colorado–useful, and fun.

If you’re looking to really wow a guy, you really can’t go wrong with referring to the fact that most men are obsessed with Monty Python and woo him with the Python-opoly set; “Pythonites will howl as they pay tax to the Knights Who Say “Ni!” and chant appropriate lines for every space they land on; fabulously sculpted playing pieces include a coconut, de-limbed Black Knight and of course, the Grail.” Sounds really…fun.

What about for the super cheesy man in your life, like your dad, uncle, or step-dad? How about these Sarcasm Society sweatshirts?  Or this Careful, You’ll End Up In My Novel sweatshirt? How about the When I Was Your Age, Pluto Was A Planet sweatshirt? Your dad would get a real kick out of that one! Or, my personal fav, the Egrets? I’ve Had a Few sweatshirt. I can’t help but laugh every time I see these in a catalog.


Make your own kinda music!

I’m not easily impressed with presents, but when I saw this, I actually gasped; you know the little handcranked music boxes that you sometimes got at street fairs growing up? Now you can make your own! I know about a hundred guys who would sit for hours (good boy) and play with this. It appeals to their technical and musical sides. Great gift for brothers!

These gifts were found in What on Earth, Wireless, and Signals catalogs. Come December I’ll do another post like this using my favorite websites.

What’s the goofiest gift you’ve ever given to a guy? Let me know if you get anything from this list or if it helps at all!

Miss March: T Writes from the Battlelines!

Hey all, special treat today! T‘s been online dating and I’ve asked her to share here with us, her first experience meeting a man she met online. I’ll be back in the next few days! Thanks T!

I have a confession.

Well, I guess, a couple. The first is that I am currently watching the My Super Sweet Sixteen Movie. Don’t judge me!  The second is much bigger, and only a few of my closest friends know.

I am a registered user on not just one, but two online dating sites. I have a profile on each. After getting my heart broken about a year and a half ago, dating a really great guy for about 4 months somewhere in there (who unfortunately could never be more than a rebound, though I did care for him very much and wish him all the best), this is the first time I’m really coming to terms with the idea that I am actually, finally ready for a relationship.  However I work in a creative field a little bit void of straight men, and thus… dating sites. Which I swore I would never do, after a jarring experience last September.

From this, I met TheLawyer.  He is the only one I have had a date with so far. Let me tell you a tale… gather ’round, friends of Miss March.

If you ask any of my friends, they will tell you – while laughing – that I have a type. I like them maybe a few pounds overweight (negotiable), glasses, a big smile, bearded/stubbled (which is funny because I hate facial hair typically, however every man I’ve loved has had it!), and an intellectual.  So when Lawyer messaged me, it seemed like a hit. He was funny, a bit of a geek about music, older, glasses, stubbled, and smart. A slightly bearded bespectacled intellectual. After exchanging some e-mails and a few flirty gchats, I happily agreed to meet him for a drik after work on Wednesday.

It started off well enough – he set the place for where we’d meet.  In my group, I am typically the one making arrangements, so it felt great to take a break from it. I met up with him, and on a purely (and ashamedly) superficial level – he’s so short. My height. And I’m little. The place he found was totally packed, so we crossed the street to a sort of more upscale place. He was impossible to talk to in person, I felt like I had to pull the conversation out of him. However, I eventually got him started on a topic he was interested in – the neighborhoods of Brooklyn. Or, more specifically, the transportation benefits of the various neighborhoods in Brooklyn. He listed every bus and subway that goes to Brooklyn Heights, and making sure to mention that was where he lived with his ex girlfriend… and he knew how long ago they had broken up to the day. Literally. He was very condescending about the fact that I was younger than him, and when I tried to talk about economic policy with him, he dismissed my ideas because I was young. He finished by telling me that he’s been on the Atkins diet for deveral years (despite that he’s very thin) and proceeded to give me tips for how to do it myself.

So, he turned out to kind of be an asshole. I’ve been talking to a couple other guys, and hopefully my dates with them will be more promising. However, as my first real attempt back out there, newly healed heart and mind… it was a little jarring. Will they all be so surly?? Please say no!

Miss March: Celebrity Look-Alikes

So, I’ve been blogging for some months now and talking about all these different Boys on the Stoop and it dawned on me that, for the most part, no one knows what these boys look like. So, since it’s Saturday and I’m still trying to formulate my latest boy-thoughts into words, let’s do a little celebrity-look-alike of the Boys on the Stoop.

Stay tuned in the next couple of days for a special guest blogger!

Adam Ferrara looks pretty close to what The Admiral looks like!

So, we all know about Admiral Adama. College boyfriend, Captain America, future politician, sweetheart, and my best friend. I was watching Rescue Me the other night and actor/comedian Adam Ferrara came on the screen and looked just like the Admiral. That’s what actually “inspired” me to do this post.

This particular shot of Justin Timberlake looks like ColoradoBoy.

I thought long and hard about who CB looks like (quick review: met ColoradoBoy on, been hanging out for a few months, but he’s moving back to Colorado soon. Great guy, super funny, extremely smart.) He’s got this athletic look about him, so I’m sure there’s some football star who I’m unaware of, whom he looks like, but for now, I’m going to go with this comparison: CB looks like Justin Timberlakebut only in this picture. He doesn’t actually look like him, for the most part, in any other shot of JT. There’s something about the brow and the nose in this shot that are very reminiscent of CB. He also had a shaved head for a lot of our time together, so the head sort of looks like his.

Joaquin looks like a more happy version of MusicTeach.

Good Ol’ MusicTeach (remember him? Two-date spectacular, bike-accident, never to be heard from again?) looked exactly like Joaquin Pheonix. He had those same dark eyes, brooding look, dark hair and sort of twisted nose. He was very good looking, in that dark and mysterious way. However, when I saw him again, he didn’t look all that cute, so maybe I was just caught up in the moment? Anyway, either way, he most definitely resembled Joaquin.

Sean Palmer (Prince Eric) looks JUST like The Prep!

As for The Prep, there’s really just one image that comes to mind with him: Prince Eric. However, I wanted to give you a better depiction of him than a cartoon character; luckily, while I was researching Prince Eric, I came across the actor who plays him in the Broadway show of The Little Mermaid, Sean Palmer (also played Stanford Blatch’s boyfie in Sex and The City). Anyway, Sean Palmer resembles The Prep in a lot of ways; he has the strong nose, the dark hair, The Prep’s eyes are blue, but the face shape is very much the same. In fact, on closer inspection, they really do look very much alike.

I hope this helps bring these “characters” to life a little bit! I know I didn’t add all the men–but these are the ones I refer to most of the time (at least right now!). Who do the men in your life resemble?! Do tell!

Miss March Reads The Ethics Section…

From Sunday’s New York Times Magazine, The Ethicist section,

Minutes before my first lunch date with a man I met online, he called to cancel because he was hit by a bicycle and was in the emergency room at Roosevelt Hospital. I later called the E.R. to check on him, and a nurse said he was never there. Weeks after that, I heard about another woman with whom he used the same excuse: hit by a bike; in the E.R. Is it dater beware, or is there an obligation to be honest even online? — BETH ROSE FEUERSTEIN, LONG BEACH, N.Y.

Sounds all too familiar, no?

Beware: men using bicycle accidents as excuses!

To quote myself, about MusicTeach, from July 18th, 2008:

On Thursday I got two text messages from him. One was asking me to come talk to him online. The next said that he had gotten into a sports accident and his face was beaten up. I came online and we chatted. He thanked me for checking in with him and told me that he hadn’t even told his parents’ yet (so I was the first person he told?) and that he was “in hiding and would be for the next few days.” He didn’t make any mention of our day together, which I found odd. Later that night we talked online again. Again, he talked about his accident and told me, three more times, using different terms, that he would be unavailable for a few days because of his accident.

The accident he was referring to was a bike accident. He apparently biked right into a tree and scarred himself up horribly (think: Quasi Modo). However, when I recently saw him, although it had been some time since “the accident,” he had made it sound like he was scarred for good. Did I see any scars? Negative.

Does anyone know this Beth Rose Feurstein? I would love to find out this guy’s name! She also poses a great question, is there an obligation to be honest, even online? I say of course there is–but, apparently many people don’t have the same morals in the real world as they do on the ‘net (or maybe they do, and that’s doubly scary!)

Miss March on Modern Nature

Happy November, everyone!

First of all, thank you for the great cheap date suggestions. However CB’s been acting a little odd lately, so we’ll see how many of these get done before he’s off West. Who knows!

Before I start in on Song Lyric Saturday I wanted to share a phenomonen that made me laugh. Ever since I started dating at sixteen years old, whenever I had a steady boyfriend, my mother would refer to him as my “friend.” Even with the Admiral, who I dated for close to four years, she would introduce him or refer to him as “Miss March’s friend.” I didn’t mind it because I knew it was just her (and my grandma’s) style. However, when I started “dating” CB, I made it very clear to my mother that we weren’t “together”–we were friends, and he was not my boyfriend. Cut to the other night, my mother was at the doctor with me and said something to the doctor about my “boyfriend.” I whipped my head around to my mom and shook my head. “Uh, he’s not–” Mommy just cut me off and kept on talking. I laughed inside my head. Of course she would refer to the guy I made it clear was most certainly not my boyfriend AS my boyfriend. This only got awkward when I mentioned going on dates and the doctor said, “A little birdy told me that you have a boyfriend! How does he feel about you dating?” Um, he feels fine because HE’S. NOT. MY. BOYFRIEND. I know exactly why my mother does this, too. When there is a guy I’m serious about, she doesn’t want to add to the seriousness of it and inadvertenly push me into getting more serious with him because she refers to him as my boyfriend. However, when there’s a guy she knows I’m no where close to being serious about, she feels it’s safe to refer to him as my boyfriend because it’s not going to sway me into becoming more serious with him. It’s a very confusing theory. Do your mothers do anything like this?

Sondre Lerche is super adorable, no?

Today’s song lyrics come from the Dan In Real Life soundtrack. The whole soundtrack is original songs by Sondre Lerche and many of them are duets with amazing women singers, like Regina Spektor. Not only do I love the movie Dan In Real Life, but I adore Sondre Lerche. Fun fact: years ago J and I went to see Jason Mraz and Sondre opened for him. He’s very, very cute in person. These lyrics are to the song, “Modern Nature.” I love this song because of this one line, “We’ll just have to wait and see, if things go right, we’re meant to be.” I feel like I adhere to this belief a lot of the time; everyone is searching aimless for their “soulmate” but you may not know someone is your soulmate until you live a life with them and look back and realize, hey that worked, we must be meant to be!

Modern Nature

The moment has come to face the truth
I’m wide awake and so are you
Do you have a clue what this is (I don’t know)
Are you everything that I’ve missed? (I don’t hope so)
We’ll just have to wait and see (wait and see)
If things go right, we’re meant to be

The surface is gone. I scratched it off
We made some plans. I let them go
Do you have the slightest idea (No I don’t)
Why the world is bright when you’re near
Stay awhile and wait and see (wait and see)
If things go right, we’re meant to be

Oh, what a world this life would be
Forget all your technicolour dreams
Forget modern nature
this is how it’s meant to be

The time is here for being straight
It’s not too early and never too late
People say I should watch my pace (What do they know?)
“Think how you spend all your days” (They all say so)
They’ll just have to wait and see (Wait and see)
If things go right they’ll have to agree

Happy Saturday, everyone. Anyone got any good plans?

Miss March Loves Deli Food

Sorry I’ve been so MIA lately–with grades and comments due, things are sort of nutty in crazy-town for Miss March.

CB and I HAVE to get kosher deli food before he leaves!

So, I saw CB last night (after a week where we were both away) and had a great time. He’s going back home for a while soon, so we went over the list of things we “want to accomplish” before he goes away. This list includes going out for kosher food, attending a hockey game, going go-kart racing, bowling, making dinner, and some other meaningless things like helping me pick out a GPS. He is indeed coming back in January, but a part of me feels like it’s ending when he goes away. A month is a long time for people who have only been seeing each other for close to three months (though, even three months with him feels like a great accomplishment! Remember when he was just a name on my screen? Ah, the good ol’ days!). I am really going to miss him. I know he’s not the one for me, but he’s a great guy, and I do love spending time with him.

Anyway, as I was getting in my car yesterday I said to him, “let’s go on a date soon!” (By the by, let me get the distinction right for you, as he puts it, we are people who “hang out and go on dates” but are not dating. Right-o.) As the words came out of my mouth I realized that I don’t need to go out on a “date” with him because of two things:

a) My favorite times with him are lying around watching Rescue Me, Arrested, Scrubs, and How I Met Your Mother. It’s at these times that we end up having semi-serious life discussions, our goofiest (love the word goofiest) times, and most sincere moments.

b) Neither of us have the money to spend to go out to dinner or The City or what not.

Yet, I do still like going out and doing new things. The museum near us has laser-light shows which may be fun; we could go apple-picking (though I mentioned this and he said, “I don’t really get it. What’s the point? Where’s the fun? Can I climb the trees?”). I need some good ideas for super-cheap (see: FREE) dates. While I love lying around and being silly, sometimes putting on something other than sweats (though, I must be super comfortable with him that I am happy wearing sweats around him…on a regular basis) and going out and doing something new. I find doing new things together super romantic; you’re both in the same boat, trying new things, seeing new sights. Part of me really wanted to go away for the weekend with him. I think we could both use the time away and I’d love to just be away with him and no distractions. Yet, we have no money to go away….Ideas on cheap dates? Fun things to do within ones home?

Question I’ve been getting a lot lately: are you seeing anyone else? Sure. Sort of. I don’t consider myself “seeing” CB–we’re friends, albeit, special friends. I’ve been talking to The Prep a lot. But, as we discussed, it’s been so hard to see him (uh, anywhere except train stations, apparently). He’s a very sweet guy, but I’m not sure about how realistic dating him would be.

Speaking of, I canceled my account. I have like five more days on it. I’m really okay with this. I’ll still have my account, but I won’t be able to get emails or anything. T is trying a few new dating websites which she’ll update us on soon!

Anything new in your life? Cheap date ideas? Rants? Raves? Do tell!

Miss March Believes in Signs?

I think I’m through with

I clicked my “who viewed you” button and saw that someone from my high school had viewed me. Awkward.

I’m taking this as a sign. I’m through with the online dating thing for a while. It was awesome this summer, and I met so many interesting men, but it takes a certain amount of effort and dedication that I just don’t have right now.

In other news; you ever have times when you see certain names pop-up in your life over and over again?

His name was on a gameshow tonight. Weird.

One of the Boys on the Stoop‘s last name keeps coming into my life. It’s not an unusual name, but he’s only the second person in my life that I know with that last name. I’ve been seeing it everywhere: on my textbooks, in movies, and then, while I was working out and watching TV tonight, it was an answer on a game show. I don’t really know what it means, except that perhaps I’m too superstitious or the name is more common than I once thought? I’m not kidding when I say that I see it somewhere new every day…or, perhaps I’m just noticing it more now because of him? Did this ever happen to you?

Any new signs in your life lately?